Internal vacancies

In addition to offering jobs that are available with our clients, we’re also an employer ourselves. We offer an inspiring and people-oriented working environment with a great atmosphere in which you and your enthusiastic, committed colleagues will make all the difference. To make sure that you bring out the best in yourself, we provide good terms of employment and employment benefits. We’ll also further your development with various training opportunities.

Our employees are definitive in the success of Duijndam Works. If you’d like to be a contributing factor in all this, have a look at our internal vacancies. If your dream job is not among those vacancies, you can always send us your unsolicited job application.

If you have any questions about one of our vacancies, please contact our human resources department at or call 0174 87 00 48

Do you enjoy dynamic work environment? Do you have experience as a machine operator? If so, we have the perfect job offer for you!

Are you an experienced forklift operator and are you looking for an interesting job full of challenges, where every day is different? This offer is for you!

Do you like working with plants? Do you speak English and want to take on a new challenge? This offer may be perfect for you! If you want to work in a friendly atmosphere, taking care of orchids and gaining new experiences, apply now!

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